European Silken Windhound Club Jubilee Show 2020
due to Corona on 07.05.2022
Judge - Richterin: Gabi Hufnagel, DE


BIS & BOS Trophy
Fotos: RoelVinkFotografie.NL, Neumann, Zinke


BIS Ch. Akela Silkendream / BOS Bonenty of SilkenSkyline
Jubilee Winner 2020
Rosettes sponsored by Yodah & Njord, CH & WindnSatin, USA


Winner´s Male Ch. Akela Silkendream / Reserve Winner´s Male Ch. Kenai Silkendream
Rosettes sponsored by Amber & Duffy, DE & Safran-24K, USA


Winner´s Female Bonenty of SilkenSkyline / Reserve Winner´s Female Avalon Electric Slide
Rosettes sponsored by Sajan & Ajnur, DE & Safran-24K. USA


Puppy BIS Bon Zoi´z Fall Flora
Puppy Jubilee Winner 2020

Rosette sponsored by Secret Haven, CAN


Breeder BIS Ch. Akela Silkendream / Breeder BOS Bonenty of SilkenSkyline
Breeder Jubilee Winner 2020
Rosettes sponsored by Floyd & Levi, DE & Mabiche & Raissa, NL


 Veteran I BIS Bon Zoi’z Summer Slade / Veteran I BOS MCh. Solano Silkendream
Veteran I Jubilee Winner 2020

Rosettes sponsored by Wanda & Pippa, DE


Veteran III BIS MCh. Bon Zoi’z Dutch Dandy / Veteran III BOS MCh. Kristull Brocade at Bon Zoi´z
Veteran III Jubilee Winner 2020

Rosettes sponsored by Rosalind & Cinka, BE


Buddy BIS Baiga SilkenSkyline / Buddy BOS Quatro Quabasil Avrina
Buddy Jubilee Winner 2020

Rosettes sponsored by Liisa, EST

Best of Champions Male 2020 Ch. Kenai Silkendream & Best of Champions Female 2020 Ch. Jenny of SilkenSykline

on their way to "Silken Windhound Champion" title


Akela has 10 point now - only need 5 more for the title
got her first 5 points for the Silken Windhound Champion title
Winners Male Ch. Akela Silkendream and Winners Female Bonenty of SilkenSkyline



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