European Silken Windhound Club Winner Show
Judge - Richterin: Gabi Hufnagel, DE


Fotos: Hilde & Heike & Cate

foodbags sponsored by BOSCH

BIS MCh. Woody Silkendream
BOS Ch. Bon Zoi´z Dutch Destiny

Rosettes sponsored by Renaissance Silken Windhounds, USA
& Sighthound Coach, DE
gifts sponsored by Wolters-Cats&Dogs, DE


Winner´s Male Kenai Silkendream
Reserve Winner´s Male
Sparks or Light Janus

Rosettes sponsored by Emmi & Njord, CH
& Tanner´s Silken Windhounds, DE
 gifts sponsored by Sighthound Coach, DE & Wolters-Cats&Dogs, DE


Winner´s Female Ch. Bon Zoi´z Dutch Destiny
Reserve Winner´s Female Ch. Gryffyn´s Aeyrie Light up the Sky

Rosettes sponsored by Windnsatin Silken Windhounds, USA
& Sighthound Coach, DE
gifts sponsored by Sighthound Coach, DE & Wolters-Cats&Dogs, DE



Junior BIS Golden Glory Silkendream
Junior BOS Golden Gigolo Silkendream

Rosettes sponsored by Hilde, Tess & Tyra, NL & kennel SilkenSkyline, DE
gifts sponsored by Wolters-Cats&Dogs, DE

BIS Breeder Kenai Silkendream
BOS Breeder Ch. Jenny at SilkenSkyline

Rosettes sponsored by Golden Gala Silkendream, CH
& Kennel Slingshot, NO
gifts sponsored by Wolters-Cats&Dogs, DE

BIS Veteran II Ch. Bon Zoi’z Dutch Destiny
BOS Veteran II Ch. Bon Zoi´z Dutch Dandy

Rosettes sponsored by Leia & Louie, NL & Franz from Poland
gifts sponsored by Wolters-Cats&Dogs, DE

Best of Champions Male 2019  Ch. Akela Silkendream
Best of Champions Female 2019 Ch. Windnsatin Take My Breath Away

bags sponsored by Windnsatin Silken Windhounds, USA



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